A review by innae
David Copperfield's Tales of the Impossible by Janet Berliner, David Copperfield


My mom and I went to a reading with David Copperfield, where he then signed copies of the book - so my copy is signed! cool. But the book was released back in 1995, so I believe this poor book has been on my shelf for 25 years! that is craziness. Poor little book. Each story gets a little introduction from DC.

Preface by Dean Koontz This was rather humorous, I was not aware Dean Koontz could be funny. Comparing authors to magicians.

Introduction by David CopperfieldHe extends the comparison started with the Preface.

Snow by David Copperfield I went to see a Copperfield show with my family (hey, even my Grandpa was allowed to join us - this didn't happen so often), and he ended it with a snow illusion - I don't recall the illusion so much as the ice machines at the Buell Theater being set off so we could all exit the theater with some snow. This story is touching, and sad, and beautiful.

Quicker than the Eye by Ray Bradbury An interesting look at ourselves, as our male "main character" sees his double on stage - and really, maybe it was a little bit of himself on stage. As with most of Bradbury's stuff - there is more than meets the eye to this story.

The Conversion of Tegujai Batir by Jack Kirby I appreciate the work it took to get a story from Jack Kirby (DC worked with his widow to create a short story from his unpublished novel) - however I was not enamored with this story. Maybe as an entire novel I would come to care for the characters? It was just okay.

Diamonds aren't Forever by S.P. Somtow I read The Alien Swordmaster Somtow's addition to the V series, and absolutely loved it. So I was excited to read this tale...
A cute story, I enjoyed it. Also think this story could be used to launch a discussion on ethics -

Just Like Normal People by Kevin J Anderson this feels very much like a morality tale. That you shouldn't judge people just by the way they look, because it is what is inside that is so much more important.

The Singing Tree by Eric Lustbader a moral, it is a lovely and sad story. A moment that reminds us we have to let go and move on.

The Hand-Puppet by Joyce Carol Oates i don't like ventriloquist dummies, they are creepy. This story is creepy and not in a good way to me.

? by F. Paul Wilson the title of this story is gibberish, and is explained in the story - the gibberish is something I can not replicate - and after reading this I wouldn't want to. Keep your gibberish words to yourself, thanks.

Switch by Lucy Taylor (her signature is at the front of my copy!)
a nod to Colorado, which I appreciate. And this one is creepy - and more along the lines of the alternate universe theory - i liked it, there are days where you wonder...

The Eighth of December by David Smeds
This story feels like something we need in this crazy time. A little bit of hope. It is an alternate history story, and I really do enjoy that sort of tale - the What If stories. We follow an aging rockstar, and what he has learned in his life, nicely done David Smeds.

Expert Advice by Larry Bond
A nice take on not following the rules. Doing something unexpected may be the best defense.

Geroldo's Incredible Trick by Raymond E. Feist
this one is a little morbid, although I really liked it, and hope the best for Geroldo and his daughter.

Dealing with the Devil by Robert Weinberg
What a great story! reminded me of the oft repeated statement in Beverly Hills Cop "I wasn't always a cop" -- I wasn't always a man of the cloth. :-)

Every Mystery Explained by Lisa Mason
The code of the magician - an enjoyable story

Just a Little Bug by P.D. Casek (her signature is at the front of my copy!)
OMG but this one was sad. and beautiful. and sad.

In the Teeth of Glory by Dave Wolverton
a story of growing old. there are some enjoyable characters here, and some old curmudgeons.

The Last Vanish by Matthew Costello
I saw the ending coming, and it seems I have read another story with a similar premise. Creepy.

Indigo Moon by Janet Berliner
body swap stories, demons jumping between, always interesting, and usually hard to follow - this is no different.

Finished this collection, and for the most part enjoyed the stories. No real clunkers, and a few gems.