A review by courtofsmutandstuff
The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet by Ramez Naam


This book was amazing. It was incredibly well researched and written and was overall unbiased except for the last part when Naam earnestly presents his solutions to the problems raised in the book. Naam declares himself an optimist and indeed the book does begin so, citing and exploring all the wonderful things innovation has given humanity; however our exploration of resources is the main facet of the book's exploration, including problems such as climate change, peak oil and other resources, and the dangers of starvation through a growing world and inadequate yields. I learned a lot from this book, detailing the evolution of innovations, resource scarcity, and policies that have saved us from the edge. I would highly recommend this book to those interested in climate, GMOs, policy, and science writing in general. This book provides a solid knowledge base for very serious problems facing us that merits learning more about.