A review by lifepluspreston
Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein


Doppelganger by Naomi Klein--I have a special interest in the idea of online doppelgangers. In one of the spaces I occasionally take part in online, there exists an individual who shares my first and last name. So I've experienced what Klein has, on a smaller scale, as she's often mistaken for Naomi Wolf. However, the scope of her project here is significantly broader than I thought. Rather than limiting her work to a discussion of identity, particularly as it's formed and molded (and taken over) online, she dives deep into the conspiracy theories and potent political activism which her doppelganger now engages in, as well as offering media analysis of lookalikes in fiction. It's a well-rounded book even if it's not what I was going for. Thumbs up.