A review by travelgirlut
Deconstructing Penguins: Parents, Kids, and the Bond of Reading by Nancy Goldstone, Lawrence Goldstone


A good overview of how to discuss books with kids. I actually learned a lot from this as well, since I don't think I've ever been taught the specifics of protagonists, antagonists, conflict, etc. Even some of the books that they covered showed me new things about the stories I had never considered. My only minor complaint would be that the authors did a lot of showing how they did things, but never really give an explanation of generally how to have a discussion with any book. If we were to read one of the books they covered, it would be a great resource, but without being terribly confident in my book analysis skills, this isn't really a reference book I could come back to for help in analyzing other books.

Overall the writing style was humorous and concise and made the book easy to get through, and it definitely was the springboard I needed to get me on to more complex books on literary analysis.