A review by weesam_nz
Cosmic Engineers by Clifford D. Simak


The only book by Simak I have previously read is the wonderful [b:Way Station|190999|Way Station|Clifford D. Simak|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1326490682s/190999.jpg|348798]. I've been meaning to read more of Simak for years, and have been collecting his books from second hand bookshops whenever I find them.

Cosmic Engineers didn't reach Way Station levels of enjoyment for me, but it certainly wasn't far off. It is a delightful gem of a book which includes god-like beings, time travel, robots, multiple dimensions, space exploration and cryogenics. All this and more packed into a very small book. If you have a couple hours to spare and don't know what to do with yourself, pick up this book and enjoy.