A review by ewoo670
Blood on My Hands by Todd Strasser


This book cost me $3 at Whitcoulls, and it was really good! I liked the plot twists :) and the way it was written.

Second review

Despite having read it once before, I still found this mystery book hard to put down. The way it was written left every chapter with a cliffhanger, and the dual plot lines both contained good mystery, suspense, and a few red herrings. The beginning of the book seemed to do a little bit too much telling and less showing, but that was reduced with the introduction of the second plot line.
I did find some of the twists and ideas involving sexuality a little problematic, with the one lesbian character being closeted, manipulative, and wanting to 'convert' people. I realise that this 'psychotic lover' plot is common with heterosexual narratives, but when there's not as many representations of lesbian or bisexual characters out there, perhaps this could have been counterbalanced with a more positively portrayed LGBT+ character? Katherine's sexuality seemed to be part of the motive behind her manipulative behaviour, which I think was my main problem.