A review by calebstephensauthor
Confirmed Sightings: A Triple Cryptid Creature Feature by Bridget D. Brave, P.L. McMillan, Ryan Marie Ketterer


Look, plain and simple, I just had a lot of fun reading this one.

In A Piasa for Chrismas, Brave experiments with a fresh narrative style and a story you have to read to believe. This one had me cracking up...and hit me in the feels by the end. Oh, and Brave writes with a ton of voice that instantly pulled me in. This story was fantastic.

EYEOFMOTH.EXE by P.L. McMillan brings the sci-fi, space-opera heat with plenty of gore and a few troubling questions about technical progress that, in many ways, mirrors the current discussions about the rising dangers of A.I. progress. Plus, you know, it's a cryptic story set in space. How can you beat that?

Forget focusing on a single cryptid with Once Upon a Time in Turu. Ryan Marie Ketterer dumps you into a city full of them (Turu), primarily as seen through the eyes of her Bigfoot investigator, Orli, hot on the trail of a notorious Turu killer. This one was a blast, and I'd honestly love to read a full novel with these characters.

In short, I say pick up a copy and enjoy the ride.