A review by ingo_lembcke
Inferno by Dan Brown


Started October 21st, 2013.
Guilty pleasure, but even then I waited for the price to drop, yesterday I saw that it has happened.
As usual I expect this to be a page-turner and I will read it as fast as possible.
Wow, bad surprise, this could have been a 2-star rating, where it not for the main theme of the book and nice twist in concluding it.
Without spoiling it, it is hard to say anything, so I will not.
This was nearly a case of tl;dr. As with some other authors, to mind come Jean-Christophe Grangé (I cannot find him to add a link, strange) and [a:James Patterson|3780|James Patterson|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1284492096p2/3780.jpg], the book could have been much shorter. And more gripping. Lately I found this often to be case with successful authors, where I think, they have a lecturer/publisher etc., why do these not tell them it is too long or boring?
My ebook shows 465 pages, for me that were at least 100 pages to many.
While I knew to expect countless details of boring places and history, in this book there was a lot which did nothing to further the plot and had nothing to do with the main storyline. Even a lot of the fact which where relevant I consider boring, but would have overlooked them like so many plot holes.
So for me this was no page-turner, it is not even a recommendation. Missing for me was a references section at the end of the book with further reading and sources, I greatly appreciate that in the books of [a:Michael Slade|52655|Michael Slade|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1236713148p2/52655.jpg]. Even a single Webpage with links would have been nice. But Google, as always helps there, you have to do the work yourself.
The problem and the supposed solution for mankind is a real one and for this alone another star, adding to 3, Dan Brown does not shrink away from horrifying truths.
Finished this late, nearly midnight, on Halloween, which seems fitting.