A review by jordun9008
The Private School Murders by Maxine Paetro, James Patterson


I gave this three stars because to me it was just meh. I got most of the way through this book before I realized it was the second book in the series and not the first. Oops. Oh well, I don’t think that contributed to my lack of enjoyment of this book.

Why I didn’t enjoy this book:
1. They tried to do too much with the plot. Instead of one well thought out and twisted plot like I like to see in thrillers, this book had 4 mini plots that had nothing to do with each other and all felt flat and pointless. I kept waiting for them to tie in to each other and lead into one cohesive plot, but it never happened. Each were neatly and conveniently wrapped up and by the end of the book I was left wondering what the point was. I think the book would’ve been better had they focused on either the brothers trial or the possible serial killer plot line and explored it further and more in-depth.

2. Tandy was annoying to me and the other characters were flat. The relationships felt forced and I didn’t really care about any of the characters at all. Also, Tandy’s constant whining about her lost love got on my nerves.

3. The suspense just wasn’t there for me. I was expecting a thriller that kept me guessing and suspecting everyone, and I just didn’t get that. Again, I think this could’ve been better achieved if they had picked one plot line and explored it instead of 4 half baked plot lines.

Overall, I gave this three stars because I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t really like it either. It was just meh to me. It was probably more of a 2.5, but whatever. I will not be continuing the series.