A review by tashery
Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille


I don't even know where to start. First of all I'd like to give it zero stars. Or maybe minus five stars... I added it to my to-read shelf clearly purely going by the book cover art. It looked cool so I assumed it was a horror or thriller of some sort. First sentence in I realised it certainly was neither. But giving it the benefit of a doubt I pushed on.

Brief synopsis - two horny teenagers have disgusting (and I mean sick and downright nasty) sexual escapades. You couldn't even call it any type of erotica because the sex scenes were making me want to vomit. I'm not sure what this book was about, who it was written for or what the point of it was. It's like the author was completely sexually repressed and couldn't contain his sick fantasies any longer. They all came out one after another in a completely random and implausible way.

I'm just glad it was over in 60 pages and that I got the ebook for free.
