A review by vondav
The Rest Will Come by Christina Bergling


All Emma wanted was a family. Divorced and with the biological clock ticking she resorted to online dating. Her online dates were a mixed bag, but through her experiences she did find one thing she fell in love with.
Emma was a nice girl, but had bad taste in men. She wanted the spark, the butterflies in her stomach, what she got was heartbreak. She became withdrawn and was hard on herself. To get her out of this slump she would go her best friend Ronnie for some TLC and if that didn’t help she would run, not an easy jog but miles and miles pounding the floor until her muscles ached and her feet blistered. This was her way of punishing herself. When she found out that she enjoyed murder, she became a Jekyll and Hyde, whilst she felt guilty that she was doing it, she also felt exhilarated like an adrenalin junkie.
Ronnie was a great character, she did provide quite a few of the comedy moments. A woman who was happy with herself knew what she wanted but would not change herself to get it. She was a sounding board for Emma and many a night they would share a bottle of wine. When she became a mom, she was not your typical mom.
This book started off with a bang, the murder was graphic. As the book continues you learn more about Emma’s past and as each failed date was relived. I did find this part of the story quite slow and I was wiling her to act on her fantasies. However, this gave you understood what drove her to start murdering. Each murder was meticulous planned, and it was interesting reading how she enticed each date to their death. I did find it funny when you were reading the online seduction that some of the guys tried to use to draw her. It felt that you were privy to an inside joke.
I have read some of the author’s short stories, this is the 1st full length story that I have read. The murders scenes were visual, and you could imagine yourself watching these scenes as they unfold. Whilst this will attract horror lovers, anyone who likes psychological thrillers will also enjoy reading this. The author has a way of drawing you into the story and you want to keep reading to find out what happens. Whilst I guessed what was going to happen near the end, I was surprised at the ending, and felt that it was just right. If you are looking for a good read, then pick up this book.