A review by ljrinaldi
Bliss by Sean Lewis


This starts off slowly, with the son defending his father who has been a hit man for a group of demi gods, and for al his father has done, it seems odd that the son is defending him so stoically.

What transpires is a story of Bliss, the drug from the river styx that takes away memory. The demi-gods steal it from a major goddess, and use it on the humans so they will have no memory, and thus no regret when they do something evil.

It is an interesting take on how humanity can continue to do things, murder, destruction, without feeling anything.

Once we get in to the meat of the story, and past the trial, we get to what is really happening to narrator and his father.

Dark, and deep, and sad.

Good graphic novel.

Thanks to Edelweiss for making this book available for an honest review.