A review by fishgirl182
The Professional: Part 2 by Kresley Cole


Though I enjoyed parts of The Professional: Part 2, it didn't live up to my expectations. I had a lot of fun reading Part 1 - Sevastyan is possessive and dominant, with a sexy Russian accent to boot and Natalie, while a little annoying at times, was, for the most part, a heroine that I could root for.

While they continue to explore their sexual relationship in Part 2 (hot!), there was little emotional or personal development in the characters. Sevastyan was especially frustrating and ran from one extreme to the next. One minute he wanted nothing to do with Natalie and the next he couldn't live without her. And while I found his intensity slightly unsettling but still sexy in Part 1, it bordered on creepy in Part 2. I hated how he distanced himself emotionally from Natalie and thought that it really bordered on cruel. He asked her to commit to him completely, while he held himself back from her at every opportunity. I also hated how his dark past was hinted at all the time but never revealed. This has happened to me before in books and the actual reveal almost never lives up to the buildup.

Natalie got on my nerves as well and I found her to be really whiny and annoying. She and Sevastyan definitely had physical chemistry but not much else. Overall I just felt like the characters and relationship lacked depth and I wanted more than hot sex.

Though this installment left me feeling frustrated, I am not giving up on this book. Natalie and Sevastyan seemed to be making some headway in their relationship near the end of this segment and, well, there's still the smoking hot sex. This installment also has a bit of action in it which added some excitement.

The bad thing about serialized novels is that authors often like to end things on a cliffhanger, which Cole does here, to great effect. I am dying to know what happens in Part 3 and how things will resolve. Will Natalie and Sevastyan be able to work through their issues and have a relationship that's more than just sex? Who is after Natalie and can Sevastyan keep her safe? I guess I'm going to have to read Part 3 to find out!