A review by maggiemaggio
Just a Girl by Carrie Mesrobian


What a weird ending.

Seeing as it took me seven months to finish this book (I read about 30% of it over 2 days and then stopped it for 7 months and then finished the rest of it over 3 days once I picked it back up), I guess I can't really say I enjoyed it. The story is really character driven so it makes sense that I wasn't dying to keep turning the page. It was nice to read a story that takes place in MN and be familiar with the places and things they were talking about. While the story raised a lot of interesting issues about gender (and also socioeconomic issues) it didn't quite go there enough for me. Given Mesrobian's other books I expected something more both with the gender questions and also with the whole story, but it just never quite came together. I did enjoy Rianne as a character and really liked her honesty and the out of the ordinary observations she was prone to make.