A review by jeffmauch
The Interstellar Age: Inside the Forty-Year Voyager Mission by Jim Bell


It's incredible to think that both of the Voyager space probes are still out there sending data back to earth over 40 years after they were launched. Without these spacecraft, we would know very little about our outer solar system, in particular Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The sheer amount of information we learned from these two spacecraft alone probably doubled our knowledge of our solar system and we're still learning from them. It currently takes 13 to 16 hours just receive a message from them, they're currently 20 billion kilometers from earth and still going strong. This was a solid read by a clearly passionate and knowledgeable author who cares deeply for the Voyager missions. I found Jim Bell's excitement a huge plus and felt it rubbing off on me as I read along.