A review by bookofcinz
The Belle Créole by Maryse Condé


Maryse Conde can do no wrong and I don’t know why more persons are not reading her!

Set in modern day Guadeloupe, The Belle Creole opens with twenty two year old Dieudonne finding out that he will not be convicted for the murder of Loraine a wealthy white woman and descendant of plantation owners. We are taken into his internal thoughts on what happens the first 24 hours of being released from jail and the trail.

The Belle Creole is a commentary on class, racism, and inequality in modern day Guadeloupe. It is not every day that you read a book where a Black character is set free after being accused of killing a white woman- especially a white woman of means (albeit from being descendants of plantation owners). What Conde does well is keep her readers gripped, wanting to know how a Gardener ended up in the bed of his employer and WHY he was being charged for her murder.

Well written and engaging, a short but impactful read.