A review by debbiebarr
Bigger Than a Bread Box by Mitali Perkins


I love Middle Grade, but it's been harder lately for me to find MG books that are charming and sophisticated, something 10 year old me would have loved to read and think about long after the book was finished, and maybe pick up again a few months later and enjoy the story again.

This is one of those books.

BIGGER THAN A BREAD BOX is primarily a contemporary MG story, about a girl named Rebecca whose parents are thinking about separating, and she ends up in a new place living with her grandmother. The conflicts mostly center around her family, but what makes the book so fun is the little element of magic that comes with a magical bread box that grants wishes. I loved how odd the wish-granter is in this story, and I loved how smart our protagonist is with how she figures it out and learns how to use it.

This book reminded me in the best ways of Edward Eager's Magic series, especially HALF MAGIC which was a favorite of mine growing up, and would be a great fit for fans of contemporary or fantastical middle grade fiction.