A review by nsheep
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien


It is worth noting that my enjoyment of this book (and in fact the whole series as I plan to start The Return of the King soon) may be a product of my current situation. I'm in the process of writing my Master's thesis which has been it's own arduous process of ups and downs. Though my goal does not amount to saving the world like these hobbits are, reading of their struggles helps me feel connected to them in a way I was surprised by. Perhaps were I not reading it during this time I would have put the book down like many others I have reshelved recently. For the time being, though, whether it is a product of my situation or a genuine unhindered love for these books, I am finding great comfort in these little hobbits and their Herculean task, and who couldn't fall in love with Treebeard and all his grandfatherly qualities?