A review by wesleyrose
The Low, Low Woods #1 by Dan McDaid, Carmen Maria Machado, Joe Hill, JAW Cooper, Dani Strips


El and Vee live in Shudder-to-Think, a town that used to be known for its coal mining but since the mines started catching fire weird things have been going on. El and Vee wake up in a movie theatre, not remembering what happened, but they kind of brush it off. We learn of the mutant animals and strange things that were happening in town since the coal mining fires. One important thing is that women seem to end up in unusual places with no knowledge of how they got there. We end this issue with Vee and Jessica in bed together, except Jessica has some strange glowing hole in her abdomen (I don’t know how best to explain it).

This issue seemed a little slow to me. I often find the first issue needs the right hook to keep the reader coming back. While this wasn’t a bad first issue, I think it will need to step up for issue #2. I like the art style. I am intrigued by the mystery at play here, let’s see what this strange glowing abdomen hole means…