A review by faithfulgirl4
A Courtesan's Scandal by Julia London


This is the second book that I've read by [a:Julia London|63898|Julia Quinn|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1210188891p2/63898.jpg]. Earlier this year, I read [b:Summer of Two Wishes|6266575|Summer of Two Wishes|Julia London|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51a4RBVfo2L._SL75_.jpg|6449839] and loved it! You can read that review here!

[b:A Courtesan's Scandal|6344242|A Courtesan's Scandal|Julia London|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1256139877s/6344242.jpg|6530441] is about the life of Kate Bergeron and Grayson Christopher, Duke of Darlington. Kate is a courtesan who is well cared for and highly desired by the Prince. The Prince can't have her until his divorce is final or risk the scandal that will incur when the Princess makes her demands. Instead of risking that scandal, the Prince asks his most trusted man, the Duke, to appear to court Miss Kate until he can have her for his own. Upon meeting, the Duke and Miss Bergeron do not like each other or the arrangement that is in place. However, there is too much at stake for both of them to disobey the Prince. Kate would lose her lavish lifestyle and home that the Prince has set up for her and the Duke's affair with Lady Diana would be exposed and put his desire for the abolition of slavery vote at risk.

Throughout this book, we learn of many people who have influenced the lives of Kate and Christy. All of these people help to shape them into who they are. Their love/hate relationship begins to blossom and before long, they are faced with a decision...to betray the Prince or forget the love they have for each other? What will they decide? Is there too much at risk or is love worth all?

I loved this book and the storyline behind it. I've not read many historical fiction books but they are fast becoming some of my favorites. While Miss London does include some graphic sex scenes and strong language (which I do not like to read most of the time) I enjoy her writing style and the stories she weaves in her characters. Overlooking these things that I find bothersome, she is becoming one of my favorite authors!

This is one of those books that I like to pick my favorite character in and desire to be. IF I was not the person that I am today (picture an imaginary world where there is no right or wrong, where moral decisions are a mute point), I would want to be Kate. I am not a fan of her lifestyle but the love she has for Christy and vice-versa makes me desire to want to be her in a different type of world. She has had a rough life and has finally got a break that she has to decide if the chance of falling in love wholeheartedly is worth it. There is something about her that draws me to her. Maybe it's the way she reaches out to those who are like her on a lower level. Maybe it's the pride she has in herself. Maybe it's her desire to keep her word. Either way, she's my favorite character!

I was provided a review copy of this book by Pocketbook Publishers. I would like to thank them and the author for this review copy. Thank you for reading this review!