A review by juventina
Middlemarch by George Eliot


What can I say that hasn’t already been said about this book?! Mary was a genius quite simply and I feel so sad to have finished this great book. Her insight into human psychology is amazing and I couldn’t get enough of her sublime prose. The way she showed how one character in particular was incredibly narcissistic was impressive. It may be set in the 19th century but this book is timeless. I’ll definitely be thinking about all the characters for a while. The book is full of quotes that were so beautifully written, I feel I have to include at least just one: “ If youth is the season of hope, it is often so only in the sense that our elders are hopeful about us; for no age is so apt as youth to think its emotions, partings, and resolves are the last of their kind. Each crisis seems final, simply because it is new. We are told that the oldest inhabitants in Peru do not cease to be agitated by the earthquakes, but they probably see beyond each shock, and reflect that there are plenty more to come.”.