A review by betsyellis
The Big Nap by Ayelet Waldman


Waldman writes witty, smart, easy-to-read detective stories featuring Juliet Applebaum, an L.A. public defender turned stay-at-home mom. She constantly has a nursing baby stuck to her breast or is driving carpool as she tries to track down the clues in these mysteries. The one I read so far, “The Big Nap ,” involves the disappearance of a young Orthodox Jewish girl, which leads Juliet deep into a secretive Hasidic community in Brooklyn.

FYI: Ayelet Waldman is married to the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon (“The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay”), and I believe I read in a story about the two of them that she left a successful career to stay home with their small children, and started writing. So perhaps the main character is modeled after her?