A review by chllybrd
Black Heart by Christina Henry


I gave it 3.5 stars

BLACK HEART was not my favorite Black Wings Series installment. I still love the characters, the story line still keeps me reading but there just felt like something was missing in BLACK HEART. Maybe it was the absence of Maddy's allies? The absence of Beezle's comic relief? The way that a big majority took place on an unknown planet with Maddy pretty much by herself? I don't know. It was just missing something and by the time I felt like I was finally getting into everything again the book was over.

Is it just me or does this pregnancy feel like it is going WAY too slow? I guess we get a little bump in BLACK HEART but with all the stuff that has happened you would think more time has passed. How many books is she going to be pregnant for? I must say I really liked the introduction of Daharan, Lucifer's oldest brother and Maddy's Uncle. I loved how he protected her and was by her side when she needed him unlike others that will not be named. I also liked that no matter how scared other people were of him that Maddy wasn't and he didn't try to scare her. I just know I will continue liking him in future books. I still don't know how I feel about Nathaniel. I start liking him and then I'm reminded what he was like in the beginning or how Maddy is pregnant with Gabriel's baby. I just can't wrap my head around him or their relationship yet. Maybe in book 7.

A huge battle is brewing and with Maddy still pretty much in hiding and dodging trouble at every turn I am not sure how long it will take for us to get there. I'm not sure Maddy can continue going at the pace she has been, I mean really she is pregnant how is she still fighting like she is? Many questions, need answers, how can I not read more!

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.