A review by eleanora0901
Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority by Tim Wise



"In our denial of racism, we are insisting that blacks, as a group, are defective. Yet that notion of group defect is the textbook definition of a racist belief. And if large numbers of us believe that argument to be true, how realistic is it to then presume we would be capable of responding in a unbiased and equitable manner when faced with a black job applicant, loan applicant or student jn a classroom. "

" Do we really believe that black folks, for instance, need to be lectured about hard work ? In a nation, where for generations they were forced to do the hardest and most exacting labour in the entire country. In a nation where they provided as much as one trillion dollars in unpaid labour under the system of enslavement. Do such a people as this truly need to be shown the value of work by those who benefitted most from that unpaid labour ? "