A review by trueperception
Gears of Faith by Gabrielle Harbowy


First of all, I received a free copy (Advanced Uncorrected Proof) for free, through Goodreads Giveaways, for an honest review.

Going in to this, I didn't know what to expect. I've read a lot of the Forgotten Realms novels (particularly those of R.A. Salvatore), but I had no knowledge of the Pathfinder world, aside from it being another Pen & Paper RPG. I was interested to see that the main characters were a lesbian couple. I cannot think of any alternative sexuality in Forgotten Realms, so it's nice. I have no stake in the LGBT community, but variety is always nice. I also liked that their relationship was in a long term/steady position, rather than being earlier in. I did find it a bit weird that most of the cast was female, and even
Spoilerone of the male characters turned out to actually be female-born
, and the level of technology seems to be a bit wonky (drill presses, table-mounted circular saws, and band saws, but everything else seems to be 1400s tech level, and then we get
Spoilera group working on an automaton?!
); these are just minor gripes, however. The characters were fairly well fleshed out. Action, while not at the top levels, was decent enough. A few spots seemed to have info missing, but I'll assume this was a mistake, and will be corrected before release. All in all, a good story, and I look forward to reading more from the author and world.