A review by lindseysparks
The Vicomte de Bragelonne by Alexandre Dumas


This took forever to get going. Its 658 pages long and it's only the first of three parts of the final novel in The Three Musketeers trilogy. (Some editions break the last novel into four parts, mine is in a set of three.) It sounded like it would be about the next generation, and is a bit, but mostly follows D'artagnan. Poor Porthos and Aramis are barely in here. I was horribly bored by the sections with Monk and there was so much that could have been cut. I did enjoy the parts about the restoration of Charles II of England and seeing the early life of King Louis XIV, before people know he'll become the Sun King. But most of it just dragged on and on. I will finish the series as I want to get to the third part, which is The Man in the Iron Mask, but am not super excited about starting part two.