A review by microbiologist
Revenger by Alastair Reynolds


‘Peoples think I’s a harmless idiot,’ he said. ‘They’s only half right.’.
If you're as big of a fan of Alastair Reyonolds' Revelation Space books, then there will be something here for you to like. As I am sure you know he is very good at galaxy building. Unlike the Revelation Space universe the characters in this book are not nearly as technically savvy. Think of this book (or series of books if he continues on with this story), more like a Firefly meets Revelation Space, as everyone and everything has more of a western/piracy feel too it, in the way people talk and the ratty, worn equipment they use.
Not quite as good as the Revelation Space books as far as i'm concerned, although those would be pretty difficult to top anyhow. But it was quite entertaining and I honestly couldn't put it down. And for those who have slated this as Alastair's PG-13 book, they obviously didn't read very far into it, because although the main character is a teen, there is plenty of ultra-space-violence to go around.