A review by crzyarrow
The Death of Superman (New Edition) by Dan Jurgens


So, I completely understand now why people didn't like the Doomsday fight in Dawn of Justice. In the comic, Doomsday plows through the entire Justice League before it becomes a one-on-one duel to the death between him and Superman. And at that point Superman is *literally* the world's last hope, because nothing else has been able to stop the thing. In the movie, you don't get that same tension because 1) it happens so fast and 2) Diana and Bruce are still in the fight when Supes takes it upon himself to kill Doomsday.

What I particularly liked about the comic is that it feels as confusing as a real crisis. Nobody really knows what this thing that's destroying the country is, where it comes from, what it can do. And it's plowing through the world's heroes like a knife through butter. People are dying, buildings are falling. It's a mess.

What I thought was weird... I don't really know how Superman killed Doomsday. Like, the whole time he's fighting the creature he's thinking things like "I think it's getting stronger", or "I don't think it's tired at all". And then they get to Metropolis and suddenly they're both one final blow from death. Sooooo that part I thought could have been explained a little better.

Also, this doesn't really have much plot, it's basically a royal smackdown. Which is fine, just don't go in with expectations of this being a literally masterpiece. This trade is purely emotional as you watch the world's greatest hero give everything to save the world he loves.

On a side note... I had no idea Doomsday had an affinity for dark green jumpsuits...