A review by thebeardedpoet
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Meditations on Psalms by Dietrich Bonhoeffer


The first half of this book features four sermons by Dietrich Bonhoeffer with Psalms as his scripture. I quiet appreciated and enjoyed those. The second half was much more fragmentary, pulled from letters and quotations of stanzas and lines of poetry Bonhoeffer wrote. It bugs me that his poetry was handled in such an excerpted manner since a poem cannot be fully appreciated unless it is whole. Since the same translator / editor has also done a book of Bonhoeffer's poetry, it struck me as a stingy approach due to a fuller treatment elsewhere. Aside from my subjective disappointments, this is a worthwhile look at how the Psalms specifically influenced the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer--and an admirable life it is!