A review by qalminator
The Curse of Yig by Zealia Bishop, H.P. Lovecraft


Other than at the very beginning, this actually treats Native Americans mostly respectfully (though I rather doubt it is based on any of their actual legends or stories), particularly when compared to other Lovecraft efforts, so I conclude that Bishop did more of the writing than Lovecraft. This is supported by the lack of constant insult to the rural settlers, as well.

I found myself enjoying this one much more than I have several other Lovecraft tales that I've read recently. For the most part, this felt like real people running into a horrible obstacle. The framing device of the psychologist telling the story is pure Lovecraft, and only sort of works (the level of detail he supposedly inferred from a near-catatonic survivor is ... questionable, at best).

So, yeah. More Lovecraft tales with a help-writer keeping him off his more questionable tangents and obsessions would be nice...