A review by rebus
E is for Extinction: Warzones! by Ramos Villalobos, Dennis Culver, Grant Morrison, Chris Burnham


A pointless back story with wretched art. It's sad that tales that could be critiques of the upper middle class instead become celebrations of monied, entitled, privileged elitists. Magneto says that our children will make us look like simpletons, but the reality is that the last two generations are the dumbest and most emotionless dullards the world has ever produced, inculcated only into the cult of business and marketing, and no amount of facility with electronic devices will cure that (and when society collapses and there is no energy, they will be the most useless people on earth). 

I know she's the Phoenix, but I've already gotten tired of how often they kill and resurrect her. 

A complete bore.