A review by beckyrendon
Birthday Suit by Lauren Blakely


Birthday Suit is downright fun! It's sexy and romantic too but I had such a blast with this story. Lulu is a kind of free spirit and zany. Leo is the perfect friend and you just want to keep him for yourself. Their friendship is stupidly wonderful! They get each other. They thrive in each other's presence. It is perfect. Now throw in the feels and the attraction and they set this scavenger hunt up in a blaze of hormones.

Blazing fire, guilt, and lust make an awfully awkward situation...not quite chocolate wrestling at a show but...

Birthday Suit is every bit of romantic swoon worthy fun that you would expect from Lauren Blakely. Its even more EXTRA when you listen to the audio book! Multiple narrators owning these characters and leaving you drooling on yourself. Eargasms delightfully abound! Seriously...
(I won't even tell you there's a special interview with the two lead narrators at the end...nope! I won't say a thing!)