A review by nikrodee
Plague Land by Alex Scarrow


4.5 Stars.

You ever have that experience with a book when something totally unexpected happens and you kind of just have to put the book down and sit there and have a wtf moment?

I've done that a couple of different times with this book.

First and Foremost, this book is terrifying. Not in the way of monsters, or murders, or generally terrible people; but the Virus/Plague in this book is truly scary. The way the virus affects humans and the way its transferred and not knowing how/if there is any way to survive was enough to make me not want to be in their shoes. I actually had a nightmare the first night I read the book. Thanks for that Alex Scarrow.

Secondly, the characters in this book are very real, and well developed; and let's face it, my heart breaks for them. Everyone knows that the main character is bound to experience loss in an apocalyptic world. multiple times. And Leon is no exception to that. Leon is a pretty typical teenage boy who had to do a lot of growing up within the pages of this book. With a dad that's not in the same country when everything goes down, he definitely steps up to take care of his mom and sister. He is also pretty smart and resourceful considering he is the one discovering most of what they know about the virus throughout the book. His mom was a just that, a mom that did anything and everything she could to keep her children safe even though she had no idea what was going on; and of course every older brother needs a younger sister that always knows better. Enter Grace, a spirited little girl, who even though she tries to come off as confident and brave, still needs her older brother at the end of the day.
Let's face it, every book also needs a character to hate, and they do such a good job at making us do just that. Dave....what a creep. An egotistical, no moral having, degrading meat head. Ewh.

Going into this book, I expected it to be like most apocalyptic novels. I was pleasantly surprised when it proved me very wrong. This book has kept me guessing around every corner. I got angry and scared and so forlorn throughout the book. I highly suggest Plague Land to anyone and everyone who doesn't have a weak stomach. Such an amazing book, and I can't wait to see what more this author has to offer.

A big thank you to Netgalley, this was an ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.