A review by clairedrinkstea
Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter


If you're expecting an Alice in Wonderland retelling with Zombies this is not the book for you. The Alice mets Zombies theme is more metaphorical than literal as the protagonist, Alice Bell's transition into a strange world is really an awakening of sorts into a world were monsters are real.

On the night of Alice's 16th birthday her mother, father and little sister are killed. The trauma and reasons behind it stimulate something within Ali into seeing Zombies. She always discounted these creatures as the crazy ramblings of her drunk paranoid father. How wrong she was! This incident then propels Ali into a world of Good versus Evil and a literal fight for survival and vengeance. Ali is strong and determined. She cares for her family, her friends and isn't self-centred. Her determination and drive is the main reasons I like her. She feels guilt over her family - a mix of responsibility and survivors guilt - but does not spend the entire book dwelling on, being overly emotional or annoying with it (as I've read in other books) she finds an outlet and uses this to her advantage.

At a new school Ali meets Cole Holland and it's not love at first sight but a mix of infatuation, intrigue and desire. Cole feels the same. This is not like Twilight (thankfully!) as Ali is her own woman and resists Cole until they get to know each other better. Their attraction to each other is strong but not annoying or clingy and Cole acts as a strong mentor and trainer into this new world and their relationship forms into a partnership as they see and appreciate the strengths in each other.

Kat, Ali's best friend, is the light hearted character needed within the book and offers a good balance reminding you that they are teenagers at the end of the day with teenage priorities other than dusting Zombies.

The "twist" at the end was not a shocker but worked setting the series up nicely.

I picked this up as a Gena Showalter fan knowing full well as it's a young adults book it would not be explicit. I have tried other young adult books by Ms Showalter and didn't enjoy them. This one I REALLY did!

It's an enjoyable read that will fill an afternoon or a couple of evenings.