A review by brucefarrar
Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories by L. Sprague de Camp


This is an excellent sampling of de Camp’s work. The original copyrights on these stories range from 1939 to 1993. There’s humorous fantasy about a knight with an entrepreneurial knight who’d much rather get ahead in the world by maximizing profits rather than slaying dragons, and a story of the havoc caused by entering a mermaid in a swim meet. There are also science fiction stories: a Neanderthal living in New York in 1946, a cautionary tale about going back in time to enlighten the ancient Greeks about the advantages of the scientific method, and – my favorites – three stories told by Reginald Rivers, de Camp’s time traveling Australian dinosaur hunting guide.

The only out of place thing in the whole package is the odd cover illustration, a flying charioteer with a lightning whip breaking through plate glass, which has no connection with any of the stories in the book.