A review by pewterwolf
Homecoming by Scott Tracey


Review Taken From The Pewter Wolf

Set a year before the events of [b:Witch Eyes|6933135|Witch Eyes (Witch Eyes, #1)|Scott Tracey|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1299525176s/6933135.jpg|7164517], all Braden wants is to have a friend or two. But being a witch in training that has to be homeschooled... well... that makes having friends hard. So, what's the worse that could happen if Braden uses a small charisma spell?

Now, seeing as I got a bit of a crush on Braden, of course I'm going to love thiss short story. I loved how the voice was still the same and to see more of his interaction with his uncle as we only got a few chapters of Uncle John in Witch Eyes.

The story was a short, fun story to get to know Braden before you dived headfirst into the world of Witch Eyes (and there are the opening chapters in this - as it clearly states on the cover).

I suppose I better say the bad thing. Oh, I have a bad thing. This isn't the author's fault. I paid £1.33 for this story and I am a huge person, as you know, about getting what you paid for. I love this series so I am happy to pay this, but surely, it could have been a tad cheaper... just a wee bit cheaper.

But I like this book and it tires me over till [b:Demon Eyes|9544818|Demon Eyes (Witch Eyes, #2)|Scott Tracey|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328906561s/9544818.jpg|14431213], the sequel of Witch Eyes, comes out (just seen it was out on the first of this month)... so, when I rear in gear and read it!