A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Charm by Sarah Pinborough, Les Edwards


I know. Normally I try not to read two books by the same author within a week. And I for sure avoid reading two books by the same author in the same series within a week. However, these books aren't too big and since the Giro d'Italia is taking a big chunk of my day these books ensure I can still keep up with the huge amount of new books I get in. And since I really loved the first book in the series, I was quite excited to read this one.

The first book in this series was really following the original story quite closely, with some added depth and personality, and only came with an amazing twist at the end of the book. I was expecting more of the same in this book, but that wasn't entirely the case. Even though the book still followed the original fairytale of Cinderella quite closely, I also think it missed the point of the original tale completely and it was clear that the previous book was influencing this one.

However, even though I think the point of the original tale is missed completely I still enjoyed reading this version of the tale, especially because I really loved how it connected to the previous book. It didn't take long for me to kind of suspect how the two stories were going to connect, but there were still more than enough surprises hidden in the story to keep me on the tips of my toes, especially since some things turned out differently than I expected.

It did however take a little time before I started liking Cinderella. She missed the kindness and positivity her original counterpart had, making her shallow and even at some points really selfish. However, that did mean this version of Cinderella could grow and learn. And grow and learn she did. Because of how things turned out in the previous book it wasn't hard to guess what lesson this book contained. And it's still good to remind girls of that lesson now and then.
(Just next time not with Cinderella)