A review by calebmatthews
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall


Wow! A modern Rom Com book with great secondary characters. Don’t mind if I do! This book was funny and sincere. A fun, well-written read that is easy to pick up and set down.

Favorite quotes:

“I’m just worried that someone will hurt you again.” “Yeah well. So was I for a long time, and I think that was hurting me more.”

“There is actually a choice here. And the choice is, either you never trust anybody ever again, and pretend that stops people from hurting you when clearly it doesn’t. Or, um, don’t do that. And maybe your house will burn down. But, at least you’ll be warm. And probably the next place will be better.”

“If we let happy things make us unhappy when they stopped, there would be no point having happy things.”