A review by ladylizardxvii
Meaty by Samantha Irby


Ahhhh I finished this in about 24 hours. I know it's been said over and over, but Samantha Irby's writing is so readable, and her stories are hilarious and relatable.

I think the thing I appreciated most about these essays was Irby's commitment to simply telling it like it is, without necessarily always trying to convey a 'moral of the story.' A lot of nonfiction it seems, or at least the nonfiction I read, has A Point (tm). For some, if not many, of Irby's essays, The Point (tm) is simply that this is a funny story that the reader will get a kick out of. And I really liked that. Reading this collection felt in many ways like getting drinks with a best friend on a Friday and having her tell you every excruciating thing that happened to her this week in hilarious detail.

But that's not to say that there's not depth or emotion to the essays, and I really liked that too. I'd recommend this collection to anyone interested in personal essays, especially those that read quickly and are hard to put down!