A review by lucyhargrave
All or Nothing by Kendall Ryan


Straight up front I found it really hard to rate All or Nothing in stars and have gone with a potentially harsh two stars, anyway, this is briefly what I thought of the book. For a more detailed review visit my blog on this book at http://bit.ly/1xNwJIf.

The Heroine:

I liked Ellie the heroine because she stood up for what she believed in and didn’t let Braydon walk all over her. Of course it isn’t a simple as all that and although she may act tough she does feel things deeply.

The Hero:

I can easily understand why fans were desperate to read Braydon’s story, he’s sweet, sexy, understanding and did I mention sexy? Braydon is initially portrayed as a typical player who’s living the fast life with his modelling career and doesn’t have time for commitment. Yet him and Ellie are clearly drawn to each other.

The Plot:

I could understand Ellie’s pain as from her perspective Braydon didn’t seem committed to their relationship; this is not a smooth road to love but instead one full of hurdles. This is book that focuses completely on our two main characters with very little world building or outside plot, it’s all about character development and this is why I was so let down by the ending. I just felt the ending to All or Nothing was extremely rushed, and that lots of things were happening without proper explanation, reason or cause. It felt to me like the author wanted to give Braydon and Ellie the HEA with all the trimmings when in fact it would have been fine to leave off the trimmings. Overall this book was really good, but I won’t be rushing to buy the others in the series due to the ending. It left a very sour taste in my mouth.

5 stars until around the 80% mark
1 star for the ending

Overall 2.5 stars, nearly three.