A review by trisha_thomas
Halfway Perfect by Julie Cross, Mark Perini


I'm sad I read these companion books out of order. I wish I'd found this one first but I loved them both.

This is Alex and Eve's story. Eve is a breakthrough model from years ago. She hit the scene very early and then abruptly left. Alex is new to the world. And he's the current latest and greatest guy wading through modeling's ugly waters.

Eve is brought back to modeling with her love of photography and a teacher in college with connections.

I like that Eve wasn't all good and light and sunshine - she'd made mistakes and was perfectly okay with living with them. I liked that Alex was such a sweet guy and hadn't let his looks go to his head....too much.

I loved that Finley made an appearance in this one (since book 2 is based on her) and I was able to understand the housing and the control of the agencies on the kids. This one was pretty cute with some real life situations and dramas.