A review by penguin_horowitz
The Heir of Mistmantle by M.I. McAllister


This book is a fitting conclusion to an epic and underrated children's series...except, its not a conclusion. I was immensely surprised to hear of the third and fourth books to follow and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the series. that aside, this book makes since as the middle of the series, a turning-point of sorts. The conflict of this book really feels a bit more grown-up than its predecessors. This book takes the focus away from Urchin and turns to the turmoil of the island itself when disease and disaster strike. Captain Husk's ghost plays an integral role in the story's plot and the understanding of the characters within. Epic battles and saddening deaths make this book a page-turner. The slight issue I have is the lessened action due to the focus on the bizarre kidnapping. And another odd thing about this book is the title. Considering that 4 of the five books in the series begin with 'Urchin (and/of)' and this one does not, its a bit odd and makes the book feel slightly disjointed in a listing of titles. But, that aside, everything else about this book, aesthetically, is epic. The cover art and interior chapter art is amazing and fits well with the book's tone. Overall, this is a must-read that will likely go unread by far to many people. Mistmantle is a series that deserves more popularity than it has. McAllister is a master of writing and, more importantly, of characters.