A review by evangelinemurphy
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King


First read rating: 4.5 stars
Second read (listen) rating: 3 stars

When I first read this in 2016 it absolutely rocked my world. I still think it’s incredible but this time I listened to it and I cannot stress enough how important it is to read this instead of listen !!! When you read it you become fully immersed in the experience of 9 year old Tricia lost in the woods. When I listened, I was doing things like washing the dishes and it took me away from the full immersion I experienced when actually reading it.
That’s one reason why my rating this time around is lower. The second is that since I first read this book I’ve read hundreds of other books, many of which that I’ve rated 4 stars are simply better stories.

So, though this book completely changed the game for me in 2016 and made me fall in love with King’s writing, I am both sad and glad to say it is no longer my favorite book of his.

Worth the read? 100% yes. Worth the listen? Not to me.