A review by luana420
Age of Bronze, Volume 3B: Betrayal Part Two by Eric Shanower


Just as I had been talking up the interesting exercise this series was in getting submerged in a world where patriarchy goes unquestioned, Shanower kind of pulls a fast one on me with Cressida. I'm not familiar with the Shakespeare play beyond its basic set-up, but from the quotations here I feel like Cressida may have been a "false woman," whereas Shanower recontextualizes her as a woman just trying to survive in an extremely unfriendly environment.

Battle has also truly kicked off for the first time between the Achaeans and Troy and whoo boy, I get why it takes forever to do these babies. The detail in these massive tableaux in truly astonishing! Big fan of the montages of Troilus' battle-filled days and his pining nights.

The down-to-Earth take on a centaur (I think) was pretty awesome. A... a horse archer? "You can just sit straight on the horse??? I never thought of that!" I lol'd.

Worst part about this book is I am now in the same boat with Shanower as I am with Martin and Miura: waiting on a thing that will never come out/finish.