A review by novelesque_life
Elegie voor Iris by John Bayley



"A melodious, affecting tribute to one of the greatest writers of her time--now stricken with Alzheimer's disease--by her devoted husband of over forty years "I was living in a fairy story--the kind with sinister overtones and not always a happy ending--in which a young man loves a beautiful maiden who returns his love but is always disappearing into some unknown and mysterious world, about which she will reveal nothing." So writes John Bayley about his wife, Iris Murdoch, considered by many to be one of the greatest living writers in the English-speaking world." (From Amazon)

The reader can feel the love John had for his wife, Iris and respect he had for her not only as a spouse and writer but as a person. A great memoir. I enjoyed the movie as well (Kate Winslet and Judi Dench as Iris).