A review by sjj169
Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen


Want to know what scares the ever loving crap out of me?

Teenage girls in particular.

Regan Flay is one of those girls. She is on the cheer-leading squad, up for student council, all the shit that goes with being a popular princess.
Regan Flay is not exactly like-able. She talks behind your back and always needs the dirt on you so she can get you first.

Then someone puts up all the bad things she has said about her fellow classmates all over school and suddenly she is the one getting bullied.

Before crawling into bed, I'd made the mistake of checking Facebook one last time. I'd discovered a new comment on the Regan Flay Abuse Support Group page. That comment churned inside my chest like a ball of razor blades, ripping and shredding everything in it's path.
It wasn't so much the comment that hurt as the fact that it had seventy-six likes. Seventy six. More than two football teams' worth of people agreed the world would be a better place if I didn't exist.

During reading this book I did not think I would come to like Regan but that changed. The book shows that she could grow up some and change her way of thinking. I honestly didn't think it came across as cheesy or fake. At times the writing did seem over the top and predictable but I still kept my eyes glued to it.
There is a bit of romance in the story but it's not overdone. I kinda cougar crushed on him a couple of times myself.

I think teenage girls should probably be forced to sit in a chair and memorize this book by heart. I'll monitor them, with a pitchfork.
Cuz I'm skeered.

Enough with the rambling. Yes, I recommend this book. Powerful message about bullying.
Don't you think it's sad some people are only remembered by the graffiti about them on the bathroom stalls?