A review by thegrimhobbyist
The Log of a Cowboy by Andy Adams


Although this is a fiction, this felt more like a nonfiction in its believe-ability. So much so, I've actually read that people have made the mistake in thinking this is a nonfiction detailing the actual log of a cowboy during a long cattle drive. Given that this was written based on the author's own experiences as a cowboy, it makes sense. It was his attempt to give people an unromanticized depiction of the West.

Overall I enjoyed the book, but it's because the West is an interest of mine. I think only people interested in cattle drives and the West would find it as interesting, as things do get rather tedious and monotonous at points.  Even repetitive, as the terrain rarely changed. Land, then rivers, land then rivers. I struggled in sections of the book because of this, but it makes sense that there would be lulls in a cattle drive.  It'd be hellish if the entire drive was action upon action. I wished the empty chapters were less drawn out, but at the same time, it did make it feel like we were right alongside the cowboys for the ride.

The dialogue was a bit rough to get through, especially the chapters where characters sat around to tell stories at their campfire at night. It felt awkwardly written, clunky, and some of the stories told by the characters felt aimless. Thankfully that's few and far in between.

I would also like to point out, this was written in 1903. As you would expect, the language chosen for certain races is unfortunate. Including the decided name of the main character's favorite black horse.  Such is the ugly truth of our history. Just as a heads up for anyone who was interested.