A review by betwixt_the_pages
Change Places with Me by Lois Metzger


Rose has changed. She still lives in the same neighborhood with her stepmother and goes to the same high school with the same group of kids, but when she woke up today, something was just a little different than it was before. The dogs who live upstairs are no longer a terror. Her hair and her clothes all feel brand-new. She wants to throw a party—this from a girl who hardly ever spoke to her classmates before. There is no more sadness in her life; she is bursting with happiness.

But something still feels wrong to Rose. Because, until very recently, Rose was an entirely different person—a person who is still there inside her, just beneath the thinnest layer of skin.

Rating: 4/5 Penguins
Quick Reasons: quietest plot ever; this book is beautifully confusing; super creative story; flawed characters you'll love and loathe all at once; juxtaposition of "before," "after," and "happy middle ground"; awesome use of subtle foreboding

Huge thanks to Lois Metzger, Balzer + Bray Publishing, The Fantastic Flying Book Club, and Edelweiss for sending me an egalley of this title in exchange for an honest review! This in no way altered my read of or opinions on this book.

Kim let go of the door. "Well, good luck finding the girl, whoever she is."

But I know exactly who she is, the girl thought, as the door closed. It was as clear as day. She's the girl I could've been, if life was fair.

This book is beautifully quiet. There's a focus on subtle foreboding that both sweeps this story along and keeps readers calmly mystified. My pulse never jumped, my fingers never clenched, but somehow I found myself unable to set this book down. I blame the beauty of the writing--Lois Metzger definitely knows how to set the tone and entrance any who step into this world.

She also knows what it takes to keep readers just confused enough. I was almost positive, when I hit chapter 3, that I knew what the big reveal was going to be. I was SO sure, in fact, that I almost let myself be disappointed--it's no fun guessing the plot twist so early, after all! I sat here, stewing, a weird look on my face... and said, "there's NO way that's the answer!" And then I kept reading. Now, trust me when I tell you that this book is SUPER confusing. Trust me when I tell you that if you're the type of reader who hates to be confused--the kind who needs all the answers laid out straight and neat for you... well, you probably won't take to this book. Lois Metzger sets out to confuse and twist you into tiny pretzel pieces. If you're brave enough to stick it out, you'll learn why--and fall in love with the book for it.

"Well. My father was a drunk," Evelyn said, matter-of-factly.

"And your mother?"

"Pretended he wasn't one. I grew up with lies. They were everywhere, in every corner of every room. It was as if there was a terrible storm outside, sheets of rain, lightning, and my parents kept looking out the window and declaring, "It's a beautiful sunny day!"

The characters are realistic, though also a huge part of the confusion. This book is juxtaposed the way it is for a reason--the author starts us out confused and twisted around in order to straighten us out slowly. This being said, there were moments I had to stop and think back on what I'd read. There are things said by the characters that you won't fully understand until much later in the read. It's sort of like a literary jiggsaw puzzle--everything comes together, but you have to have patience and trust that the author knows what she's doing.

I had a TON of fun reading, and being totally confused by, this book! The characters are mysterious and well-written, the plot is super creative, and the quiet, subtle foreboding is something I haven't encountered in any other novel. I haven't experienced anything quite like this, and I can't wait to see what Lois Metzger takes on in the future. I recommend this to lovers of steady plots, quiet mysteries, and quirky journeys. If that sounds like you, definitely pick this one up--it won't disappoint!