A review by nats_bookventures
Book Lovers by Emily Henry


Nora is a shark of a literary agent ;Charlie is a brooding book editor. Their first meeting did not go smoothly. Now Nora’s sister wants to have her Live her Hallmark small town life with a checklist in the place where her clients book is based in : Sunshine Falls. When she gets there, she keeps bumping into Charlie because as it turns out he is from there. The two of them end up working together on an authors book and the chemistry between them is undeniable. But will Nora’s past hang-ups and anxieties get in the way of finding her own happy ending , or will they be able to find what both of them have been looking for.

This book had so many levels beyond romance . Nora has struggled with control ever since her mothers death . She really has a hard time letting people in and also letting those close to her out of her sight . She always wants to protect everyone and make sure they are taken care of…except for her . Throughout this book she learns to let go and let someone in , and how she lets Charlie in is incredibly beautiful. She has dealt with some difficult things, but she learns to overcome them. Before we move onto Charlie , can we talk about female characters in romance not wanting kids. It is so nice to get representation to real life women who also make that decision because it’s still such a touchy subject . The way everyone in her life learns to accept it is truly amazing also.

Charlie, my heart belongs to you because SWOON. He is the definition of misinterpretation of what he presents . What he shows on the outside is NOT who he is on the inside. Throughout this book, you see him just wanting to be loved and accepted for who he is. He has had his own little traumas within his lifetime , and with Nora’s help, he learns to let it out and let it go.

Oh this book was truly incredible and pulled at ALL OF MY EMOTIONS! The ending was pure perfection and it didn’t end in the “they had babies and lived happily ever after” ; it truly stayed true to what Each character wanted and who they were . 5 stars and again, Emily Henry did NOT disappoint.