A review by setaian
The Mysterious Case of Mr. Strangeway by Karina Cooper


After the death of her father, Cherry St. Croix was taken in by a villain and for a time worked as a pick pocket. Then the executor of her father's will found her, plucked her from the street and installed her in a large house in the care of servants. But her time on the street left her addicted to laudanum (a tincture of opium and alcohol) and the servants are under strict orders to limit her consumption. Deciding to take matters into her own hands she becomes a bounty hunter so she can make some money to buy her drug of choice.

I have a problem with this book. It's a novella on the shorter side of novellas. It's obviously been released as a lead in to the third full length novel in the St. Croix Chronicles series which is due out at the end of the month. As a free gift to the diehard fans, to people who have been reading and enjoying this series, Mr Strangeway would have worked.
But I'm not a fan, I haven't read the first two books in the series, and I paid for this book. $1.99 for 85 pages in which story and character development are thin on the ground and honestly the heroine of the story doesn't do all that much...it kind of seems wrong.

Fans of the series will enjoy this. Not really sure if they will enjoy paying for it.